Hess gave me an amazing experience to work both in the field and virtually with my team throughout my summer. The company truly cares about each of its employees and makes it feel like one big family. I am extremely excited to start working for Hess full time after graduation!
What I wish was different
During my time with Hess certain COVID-19 protocols were still in place requiring me to work virtually from my apartment for half of the summer. Obviously, this in no ones fault. Hess was exceptional with COVID-19 protocols and was constantly monitoring and adjusting to new findings.
I never learned so much in a short amount of time. I urge everyone who has an internship to constantly ask question. Especially always asking your self "why". "Why?" is such a powerful question that will bridge your current knowledge with that actually performed in the industry.
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Process Engineering Intern
May - August 2018 • Killdeer, ND
What I liked
The experience was outstanding. Very beneficial to further my knowledge and jump start my career.
What I wish was different
Enjoy the hard work. Don't be scared to go to an undesired location, it's only a summer.
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Finance Intern
May - August 2018 • Houston, TX
What I liked
- Training sessions
- Opportunities to work with other interns (volunteering, social hour)
- Had mentors who checked in with you daily
- Actually did meaningful work and saw how it helped the company
What I wish was different
Don't be scared of "not knowing anything" before you start your internship; there are so many resources available to help you do a good job!